Information about

How it works

How it works

The Givenitup marketplace is designed to support local community groups.
When you sell your things you won't receive any money, but you will be supporting your chosen community group to do what they do best.  Thank you for helping.

Sellers - Simply list your goods for sale by clicking the "Post a new listing" button and follow the steps.   You can choose which community group you want to support with your proceeds.
Once a buyer has decided to purchase your item you will receive a message asking you to accept their offer. (You will need to accept/decline this offer within 3 days)
Then you can organise pick up or delivery of the item with the buyer.  
The proceeds of the sale will be donated to the chosen community group at the end of the month.

Buyers - Browse the listed items and when you find something you want click "Buy now".
Once the seller has accepted your purchase, you will receive notification.  You can then message the seller to arrange pick up or delivery of the item.  (If the seller declines you will not be charged)
Once you have received the item you will be asked to mark completed and may provide feedback if you wish.
Your money will be well received by a good cause at the end of the month.

Schools & Community Groups - To list your group simply contact us for more details

*Transaction fees apply and are deducted from the proceeds of sale.